

Crimson #519

Daily painting #519 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

It has been so good to spend more time at home this weekend. Sadly though one of our outside rooms was broken into this weekend which put a dampener on the weekend and sent me into a frenzy as we have been home most of the weekend. This means that someone came into our property while we were here, possibly while we were asleep. The entire door frame was knocked out of the wall from the plaster (exposing the brickwork) and was just pushed aside. They didn't even try to break the lock! Nothing much was stolen thank goodness so they must have been disturbed or our dogs realized someone was there and scared them off. It is the one little section of our outdoors which is not covered by alarmed beams at night! Our private security company was here within seconds of us calling them but the police who we called first only arrived 2 hours later! So this is how our relaxing weekend at home ended ....such is life in South Africa at the moment. One really has to live with rose tinted glasses on sometimes to try remain positive! It makes me so very sad as we have such a beautiful country with so much to offer but so many challenges to overcome too! 

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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