

Set of 3 #509

Daily painting #509 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

If you have ever read the quote below and can relate then we are on the same page! I always feel like a kid in a candy store when I am in any art supply store and buying new materials (whether I use them immediately or not) is always such a treat! I am hugely possessive over my materials and my daughter has her own set of everything just so that I don't have to share mine! I am particularly possessive over my brushes....they are like old friends! I found my daughter in my studio yesterday working on a school drama project (making puppets) and she was using one of my brushes in cold wood glue! I nearly went berserk and only after I calmed down did I realize how irrational and ridiculous I was maybe being. It is after all just a paint brush....but it was my paintbrush! I think I could do with a session on someone's couch (I say having a giggle). Either that or my daughter needs to leave my materials alone and use her own.....for the sanity of her crazy (obsessed) mother!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. I just love this quote and you story sounds oh so familiar to times when my son way young.

    1. April I knew someone would relate to my crazy obsession! ;)
