

Pumula late afternoon #462

Daily painting #462 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

We arrived at Pumula around lunch time to the most glorious weather. My children couldn't eat lunch fast enough to get to the pool for a was around 37degrees Celsius and the humidity levels added a good few extra degrees! By late afternoon when I finally found some quiet time to paint the sky had turned grey and the day's heat seemed to be brewing a huge thunder storm. Distant rumbles of thunder could be heard as I painted and I anticipated a good African thunder storm....but nothing materialized least not at the coast! Pumula is a Zulu word meaning 'to rest' ...and this really is a place of relaxation. Below is a photo my husband took from our beautiful! How privileged we are to be able to spend time in the bush only a few weeks ago and to now be at the beautiful coast. South Africa really is a beautiful and diverse place. Only an hour away from Durban but heading west we would come to an amazing mountain range called the Drakensberg....bush, sea, mountains lucky we are! A trip to the mountains will have to wait for another holiday! For now I am enjoying this beautiful coastline and a special place that we have been visiting for ages....a place that holds a bucket load of treasured memories for us!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing  to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)


  1. Your painting captures the srnse of peace I often feel when on the coast. Lovely. Thanks for rekindling a memory.

  2. Thank you April....and thanks for visiting my blog!
