

Band-aid #468

Daily painting #468 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel 

If only 'fixing things' was as easy as putting on a band-aid! I remember a time when my kids were little when the slightest bump would send them running for a plaster (what we tend to call a band-aid)  and they would proudly don their patch like a war medal! Well a plaster is not going to do the trick now but we are focussing on healing and Ross is feeling better today, although still on strong medication. His sight is slowly coming back and he is keeping sunglasses on at all times and staying out of bright light. The terror of suddenly not being able to see is very real! I am grateful though that this procedure is going to prevent the need for him to have a cornea transplant and quite frankly when I watch the news at the moment my troubles are really quite insignificant. I always turn to gratitude ....if one can find gratitude for even the smallest thing are heading in the right direction I am sure! Thank you to all of you that sent messages yesterday for Ross or responded to my post ....I was so touched that people from all over the world had read my post ....and taken the time to respond! Love, kindness, empathy and gratitude are better than any band-aid!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details )

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