

Beaded angel #450

Daily painting #450 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel 

450 days of little daily paintings!! 
My mum is so incredibly clever and creative. She does not paint or draw but she is creative in so many other ways! A couple of years ago she made some beautiful little beaded angels. They are made using soft wire and beads and the skirt is made using safety pins and beads! I love little treasure like this that hang in my Christmas tree. Each little decoration tells a story....I am sentimental I know! 

If you are no longer receiving the daily Paintings in the post email, I apologize! I (actually Candice....thank goodness for her!) have had to fix some issues with my feedburner link and in doing so I lost many of the email contacts on the subscribers list! Sorry....PLEASE subscribe again by adding your email address and clicking the grey 'submit' icon! You will then receive the daily paintings every day in your mail box....even if it is only in the modern mailbox the "Inbox"! Thanks and I hope those technological gremlins now find somewhere else to cause havoc!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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