

Let it rain.... #388

Daily painting #388 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

I painted early this morning because I knew I wasn't going to find time later in the day. I was teaching a painting class and then directly afterwards heading off to a day/night school cricket game that my son was playing in, in Pietermaritzburg (about an hour inland from Durban). I really didn't feel like driving home late at night (the game was scheduled to finish at about 9.30pm) on a notoriously accident prone road. There was also rain forecast for later in the evening and I was hoping we were not going to travel to the game only for it to be called off! So I sat painting secretly willing (my son would be mad with me) the small cluster of rain clouds on the horizon to head our way sooner rather than later! But as Murphy's Law would have it, the game went ahead only for it to be called off at about 8.30 with only a few overs to go because of the rain! So the game wasn't finished after all ...those clouds arrived a little later than I had hoped but at least we did get to head on home a bit earlier and the boys did enjoy some cricket even if the game was called off. The down side is that I know I am going to have one grumpy and VERY tired pre-teen in the morning who after school is going to have to be cajoled into learning for exams.....wish me luck!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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