

Jasmine #384

Daily painting #384. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

The Jasmine is in full flower in my garden and the perfume is heavenly!!!

I often get asked how long a daily painting takes me. I set myself a time limit of 45 minutes maximum....some days it takes me a little longer though and on other days I have even less time because I just don't have 45 minutes spare in my day! The idea is to paint daily ....not create master pieces daily (that's impossible). I think of my daily painting as an exercise's a ritual ...a daily routine! If I didn't try to set some kind of time limit, the painting would never be finished because our self critical nature finds it SO hard to decide when something is complete...we never feel it is good enough. "Perhaps a little more...?" We always ask this question. This type of routine has helped me to work and move away with less self criticism ....even on the days when I would love to rework an image! I have to learn to walk away....and be less self critical and rather enjoy the process! It's a very different experience to working through the process of creating an image over a period of time.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)


  1. I love this one! The colours are beautiful and I love jasmine too. Do you think you might be persuaded to paint a bigger version for me? I've got a spot where it would be perfect. It might take more than 45 minutes though... :o
