

Grapes...remnants of a school lunchbox #391

Daily painting #391 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel 

Packing school lunches in the morning is the most mundane of tasks. I am always trying to find different things to give my children for lunch....rather than the same old boring sandwiches. You will probably think my children are spoilt and you will probably be thinking they should be making their own lunch, but my daughter has to be careful about her wheat intake and my son often only finishes school after 5pm if he has sport. So I like to make sure they have nice nutritious lunches. You can't run an engine on an empty tank! I do however usually make them clean out their own lunch boxes and water bottles but today I happened to do it for them. These are the remains of left over lunch....
I love school holidays and having a break from the early morning chore of making lunches....roll on another school least it's the weekend!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

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