

At my window #386

Daily painting #386 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

I haven't spent much time in my studio over the last few days other than to complete my daily painting. I have had such flu that I have been climbing into my bed at every opportunity and working on my laptop. I am putting together a printed journal, in book form, of my 365 days of daily painting for my exhibition which opens on the 30th October. So if you have messaged me or emailed me and I haven't got back to you....apologies ...I will tackle all my mail tomorrow when I am hopefully feeling a bit better! 
We have had huge rain and gusty winds lately so I had removed the bird feeders so that they did not get damaged in the strong wind. I was dreading going into my studio today. I felt feverish and didn't want to move from my bed! As for what to paint for my daily painting....well I simply had no idea today which is probably why I didn't feel like facing my daily painting either! But I dragged myself off to my studio anyway and am so glad I did!!!! My little feathered friends had gathered outside my studio and immediately started creating a fuss when they realized I was there. The rain had stopped and there was still no feeder outside. They flapped, fussed and chirped until I opened my studio door. They then all flurried away in a mass of feathers and fluttering. I placed the bird feeder out and watched from my studio as they feasted .....where had I been....and where was the food? What a big fuss they were making....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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