

Army ant #375

Daily painting #375. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

Yesterday we went 'road tripping' up into the KwaZulu Natal midlands. Although still very dry at the moment, it really is beautiful! We stopped at a little local pizza shed for lunch. It has an outdoor pizza oven and outdoor wooden benches where you sit and eat. The open plan kitchen is under an open shed-like structure. The pizzas are served on large wooden chopping boards and the whole setting is very quaint and rustic. We had some extra lunch guests.....bees (to my daughters horror) from the local hives and some rather large army ants which were waiting patiently to carry off the very last remnants of our delicious pizza!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

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