

Thank you...x #360

Daily painting #360. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Sending flowers your way....from me to you...and hugs, thanks and blessings for all the beautiful birthday messages I received from all around the world! I felt loved, blessed and extremely fortunate to feel so much love on a birthday! It certainly was a special one! Tomorrow is a public holiday in South Africa so I will be celebrating over a lovely lunchtime celebration with my family and a very special friend! My cousin (she is actually like my sister) Candice will be there in spirit and I will be raising my glass to her in her absence for making this year (she made Paintings in the post go viral) the most unforgettable year! With only 5 days to go to reach a year of daily painting....I have lots to celebrate! Cheers to you Candice in Chicago....and to all the wonderful people that sent me messages.....thank you...thank you!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted  writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)