

Orchid time #347

Daily painting #347. 6"x8. Oil on primed canvas panel

My orchids I have to admit are quite neglected. Other than the occassional water, they don't receive any special orchid food or any special treatment despite the fact that I am told by many that orchids are quite temperamental! Clearly the trick is to have them growing in just the right spot...and I have discovered one, by sheer accident I might add! I have noticed that all of a sudden my orchids are not only full and heavy with buds again but they are also full of flowers! When did this happen and have I really been just that neglectful that I haven't noticed until now?
I saw a lovely little piece of writing today via a social network site and just had to share it with you...

Thank you Tyler Knott Gregson for the reminder! In the bigger picture who cares that the orchids are neglected (I just don't have time in the day for feeding orchids quite frankly) but I do plan to make an effort to enjoy the beautiful flowers that they are blessing me with! And I am definitely going to remind myself to 'swim'!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

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