

Doughnut #352

Daily painting #352 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel 

I bought this doughnut on Saturday morning while out grocery shopping and on returning home, dumped the little packet in my studio with the idea of painting it later. studio has been a chaotic dump site and clearly my brain is in similar disarray....I forgot about it! I was looking for the envelopes to post off some paintings this morning and came across the little packet containing the doughnut ....thank goodness summer is not here yet, armies of ants would have been feasting in my studio by now!! Quite frankly leaving food around or even dirty plates is just disgusting! I am always nagging my kids to take things to the kitchen and not leave them lying around! They were completely 'grossed out' by my doughnut story and I guess I just lost a bit of respect next time I tell them off for leaving something lying around! 
So the very crumbly, stale doughnut finally got painted, I definitely didn't take a bite out of it and my kids are horrified at the waste of a jolly good doughnut.....but I like the painting so all is not lost!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
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