

Long handle and short handle #317

Daily painting #317. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

I am very particular about my brushes and I am usually quite pedantic about my care for them, especially my trusty long handles which I seem to automatically reach out for, especially when working small! Usually a long handle brush and holding it as far back as I can does the trick in keeping my mark fresh especially when I work on such little canvases which prior to daily painting I would never have considered working on! This weekend however I worked with some good old short handle household paintbrushes, but this was for a different kind of painting ....I was painting up some old furniture. I was tired by the time I finished and gave the brushes a quick rinse but didn't pay them too much attention. I still have quite a bit of furniture I am wanting to paint, but I am going to have to buy some new household lack of TLC has resulted in hard stiff brushes that will be awful to paint with now! If this had happened to my trusty old long handle oil brushes I would with out a doubt be in FLOODS OF TEARS!!!!! Maybe I should just stick to oil painting and leave the furniture painting for someone else to do! Or maybe I should just wash my short handle household brushes with more care....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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