

Jam doughnut #329

Daily painting #329. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Sugary, sticky, and slightly crisp with a great big dollop of glistening jewel-like sweet strawberry a giant beckoning ruby fixed in the middle.....this doughnut looked lethal! Amy (my daughter) and I had such fun browsing the bakery section at the market yesterday choosing a sugary treat to paint! It gave me license to look at all the cakes, tarts, pastries and other tempting fare that I would normally avoid with all my will power! Because I would never normally come home with something like this from the market there was great debate as to how one little doughnut was going to be fairly consumed  by the family...."why didn't you buy more mom?"
Well as luck would have it I bumped over my jar of turpentine when I was cleaning my brushes after painting and the doughnut got no one got to eat it after all! Some things are just not meant to be eaten.....especially lethal sugary carbo-loaded (and greasy as I found out when I removed it after painting)  jam doughnuts.....even though they look so good!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

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