

Invader #331

Daily painting #331. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

This little plant is creeping through the fence where our property borders with the public gardens alongside our house. I am sure this little invader is actually a weed of some sorts but it too is thriving after the rain we had and is about to burst into what looks like a flower.....I actually feel guilty about pulling it out but Patrick, an old Zulu man who works for us and lives on our property is determined that it has to go!
Patrick has worked and lived with us for 12 years, my children call him "Mkulu" which means grandfather in Zulu. Patrick supports his entire family of grandchildren as his own children have all passed away. His grandchildren visit from time to time but they are away at school for most of the year and so he prefers to stay with us. He is like a member of our family and in actual fact he does so much around the house I don't know how we would survive without him! And so if Patrick says the little plant has to will go.
 Sad that I won't get to see what these strange little flowers will look like when they open .... Even if it is only a weed.

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
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