

Last painting (cloud study) from my journal #284

Daily painting #284. Watercolor sketch from personal journal NFS

This will be the last little painting sketch I share from my own personal journal. Unfortunately with the strict customs control, traveling with wet oil paintings (besides being inconvenient) would just be a nightmare and so I have had no choice but to continue my little daily ritual by sharing with you snippets from my personal daily journal.....something I always travel with but rarely share! This was a quick cloud study early this morning. It was awful for many reasons that it's home time, I am keen to get back to my studio and a little daily routine and I am ITCHING to get back to my oils...they are by far my favorite medium! Our bags were packed, except for last minute toiletries and of course my journal and watercolors. We planned to head off to the airport early so that we could see Ross before he left on his flight to South Africa. He was flying with his team mates and coaches an hour ahead of us. So now I am sitting at Heathrow Airport trying to sit out a looong wait before we can board. Tomorrow's painting will have to go live this evening as tomorrow morning I will still be in the air over Southern Africa....with a second connecting flight to Durban still to come! But we are homeward bound and as fabulous as our holiday has been....there really is no place like home!

Oh dear!!!! The post will have to go live once I am home and connected again....the Heathrow free wi-fi is sloooooowww and doesn't seem to want to load my post! Not surprising if I look around me there must be a million odd people all sitting at the airport connected! The post seems to take ages to load and then the connection cuts off and needs to be rebooted. My patience is now thin and it's almost time to go to our boarding gate this one will have to go out tomorrow afternoon! How did we survive before wireless and internet.....we really do live in a crazy, busy, connected world! 

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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