

Winter aloe flowers #257

Daily painting #257. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

Winter time and all the aloes are starting to flower and burst with color. Such beautiful succulents that just add a bit of fiery brightness to winter gardens....they really are beautiful! The studio I use for Art classes is outside my main home. Close to this studio there is a patch of sloping garden which had become a sandpit for my dogs! They had dug up every blade of grass and loved nothing better than to send clods of muddy sand through the studio windows as they dug tunnels to goodness only knows where! Well in an attempt to end their sport of digging and save the muddy bank from landing up in my studio when the September October rains arrive, we have planted some hardy aloes in the area with a few prickly ones to try teach the dogs to avoid this area. A few of them have been dug up already and some of the smaller ones simply trampled over but a few really hardy ones have stood their ground and this week 2 of them have burst into flower....yippee!!!! Hopefully by next winter the area will be a mass of orange fiery flowers....and no dogs! But of course the dogs have found a new place to dig......(sigh!!!!)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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