

(Almost not a ...) Spoon No. 3 #262

Daily painting #262. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

Today was one of those days....not a moment to spare and the only time I spent in the studio was for my Painting class in the morning! Thereafter I rushed off to a hockey match which my son, Ross was involved in. We are also hosting 2 boys from Bishops School in the Cape. They are in KwaZulu Natal on a 10 day (but only with us for 1 night) sports and cultural tour and their first stop was to play hockey against our boys. So having 2 extra hungry and busy boys in the house kept me on my toes today! It was only once they finally went off to bed that I managed to sneak into my studio with a giant kitchen serving spoon (my day revolved around serving food to hungry teenage boys) that I managed to paint. The randomness of the object and the fact that sometimes sitting down to paint has to be a choice you make or else everything just takes over kind of encapsulates what daily painting is all about for me....the focus is not on what you's on the fact that you made the choice to paint at all even when it would have been easier to 'leave it for tomorrow'.....
The amazing thing is that as tired as I felt and as grumpy as I was with myself (coupled with the fact that I was resisting painting at all), once I sat down and lost myself in the brush marks and just felt right!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Great comment about procrastination ;-)
    Worst to not do than do !!!

    1. Thanks is always so easy to put off today until tomorrow....we are all masters at procrastination....and daily painting has certainly been a good lesson for me!
