

Last of the afternoon sun #269

Daily painting #269. 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

Today was my little (actually not so little at almost 5.8ft and size 10 shoe) man's last day on African soil for the next 2 and a bit weeks! Tomorrow is full of possibility and adventure for him! He leaves with 14 other team mates on a cricket tour that these boys will remember for the rest of their lives! How very privileged they are to be going to the UK to play cricket against some amazing schools. They will also be spending some time in London together as a team....what fun they are going to have! I feel quite emotional tonight to think that this time tomorrow my 13 year old will have headed off independent of his parents and will be hovering in a plane somewhere over Africa right now. He really has grown wings and tomorrow he will truly leave the nest. Our time with our children is so precious....time so fleeting ....and I suddenly feel like where have all the years gone by? My little man is taking his first real step as an independent little being....and I wish him all the love (and BEST times) in the world! Safe travels 'little' make us so proud!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely adventure for him! Am sure that he will have an absolute blast.
