

Workers Day #215

Daily painting #215. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel 

Today is Workers Day...a public holiday in South Africa. So no work, no school and supposedly a day of rest, although for a mum there is usually no rest from your 'mommy work'! Always something to do around the house and everyone still needs to eat! But I am sitting on my veranda with a chilled glass of wine and my husband is cooking! Of course it is over a fire....his favorite past time is to stoke up a fire and chill (relax) on his veranda. If you are a regular reader of Paintings in the Post you will know that I often tease him that he still has strong ties to his cave man roots ....he loves to sit around his fire! Although that being said, braaing (cooking over hot coals) is inbred in every South African! Well back to Workers looks like this Mommy really is being given the day off so I am saluting the cave man and his fire right now....and enjoying the view of the late afternoon sky from my veranda on Workers Day!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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