

Birds on the wire #232

Daily painting #232. 4"x6" oil on primed canvas panel SOLD

The weekend got off to a really windy start. My little wooden bird feeder was being thrashed around and knocking against the pillar on my upstairs bedroom veranda. I decided to bring it in and forgot on Saturday to put it back out again. This morning I woke up early to the sound of birds chirping and chattering. They were gathered along the telephone wire which is normally their safe retreat from my cat when he gets too close to the feeder. They were making a huge noises....kicking up a fuss that there was no breakfast in sight! One or two would fly up to the feeder (which wasn't there) and then retreat back to the wire to chatter and chirp away! Of course I braved the chilly morning air and went out to hang the feeder again. There have been a flurry of birds feasting all day....

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