

Birthday rose #206

Daily painting #206. 6"x6" oil on primed canvas panel

On the 23rd of April, tomorrow, when this post goes baby girl will be celebrating her 11th birthday! After 5 grandsons in the Shedlock family, finally 11 years ago a healthy little baby girl arrived. But our joy quickly turned to heartbreak as within 24 hours she had picked up an infection in the hospital which went straight to her lungs and we were told our beautiful baby girl would not make it through the next 24 hours! I don't think I have ever experienced such despair and panic as I watched each breath she took hoping it wouldn't be the last ....anguish like I hope never to experience again! But she is a special soul, sensitive yet strong beyond measure....she never gave up the fight...a brilliant doctor and bucket loads of prayers (actually begging on my part) ....she is still here today and we are so grateful and blessed! Amy Rebecca Shedlock have a special birthday my darling girl.....your birthday will never pass without me feeling huge gratitude....reminding me of just how fragile and precious life can be!
Happy birthday beautiful always love my floral a rose all your favorite colors....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. This is a beautiful painting and a precious gift for a precious daughter !
    Have a great day !!!

  2. Thank you Martine.....she had such a special day!
