

Morning, with a hint of autumn #166

Daily painting #166. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

For those of you who follow me on Facebook, on my personal page not Paintings in the post, you would have predicted that today's painting was of the morning sky! It was so incredibly beautiful that besides painting it, I couldn't help taking a few photos on my iPhone as the light changed and the sun tried to make its way through all the rain clouds! Of course I had to share at least one photo with my friends and family! The contrast of the light and the moody rain clouds made for a beautiful treat. Even better, there was a beautiful crispness in the air, even after the sun came up! Autumn might just be teasing us, but it was fantastic to not wake up to sweltering heavy heat! Autumn in Durban is THE best ....and it might just be on its way!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to view gallery of available work)

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