

Moody day and rain #157

Daily painting #157. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

We woke up to moody skies and a drizzle of rain today...what a welcome relief from the heat we have been having! The drizzle eventually stopped and the humidity levels were still quite high but the sky over the sea remained moody and threatening rain all day! Of course the rain eventually came in the evening and murphies law it was my daughters school swimming gala!!!! The gala continued in the rain....see all the umbrellas in the photo below....fine for the swimmers who were wet anyway...but not so nice for us poor parents watching! Anyway at least I had beautiful views of the Durban skyline  to distract me when my daughter wasn't swimming! So beautiful I had to share with you....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view the gallery of available paintings)

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