

Glencairn protea #176

Daily painting #176  6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

We had an amazing day driving along the is so incredibly beautiful! No words or photos can really do it justice and sometimes we need to remind ourselves to just look, be visual, enjoy and appreciate rather than focus too much on capturing the image! I did post some photos to Instagram (find me at heidishedlock) if you would like to see, although they don't nearly do the coastline justice! We only got back to False Horizons in Glencairn in the late afternoon. I have been wanting to take some photos in the garden ....I love the Cape fynbos and flora that grows here. Such a variety of subtle colors and textures and I was delighted to find some proteas growing in the garden ....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)

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