

Willowvale Pharmacy bottles #135

Daily painting #135. 8"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Last week it was a year ago since we said our goodbyes to my father-in-law, Peter Shedlock. Grandpa Pete was a pharmacist and owned a pharmacy called many people knew Grandpa Pete....he was a legend in the community! I have a small collection of beautiful old medicine bottles and antique jars that he gave to me, still containing remnants of some yellow or white powder....the substance unidentifiable by the faded yellowed label on the jar! I bought a few of them into the studio to paint last week ....but just couldn't settle down to paint them.....they are beautiful with transparent and semi-transparent colors and shapes and I love the way the light catches them. Grandpa Pete you were in our thoughts the whole of last week, but today I finally found it in me to paint the Willowvale Pharmacy bottles!

If you didn't read about my VALENTINES offer yesterday....painted flowers will last a lifetime, so all floral paintings in the store are $40 or  R420 if purchased locally, contact me at . Anyone purchasing a floral painting (view them all by clicking the highlighted writing below) will stand a chance to win the little painting "Cherries and lace" ....all names will go into a draw, the offer closes 8pm SA time on 13 Feb and the winner will be announced on Valentines day! So someone will be getting a little surprise on Valentines day.... 2 paintings in the post instead of 1!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click highlighted writing to view available paintings)

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