

Sunflowers #132

Daily painting #132. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel. SOLD

I had one of those "I told you so....!!!!" moments with my daughter this morning. Only problem is that the "I told you so" was directed from daughter to mother rather than the other way around, I have to admit!!! A friend, on reading about my Valentines flower painting idea sent me a message saying she loves seeing the daily paintings, and enjoys the proteas and roses (one of which she owns) however she would love to see me paint some sunflowers.... Little does she know Amy had only the day before tried desperately to convince me to buy some beautiful bright sunflowers from our local florist to paint! I had stood there debating the merits of painting sunflowers with a 10 year old, explaining that somehow sunflowers just screamed Van Gogh and I just couldn't bring myself to find the confidence to do them justice. Well now I had no choice but to give them a off I went to the same florist today and came home clutching 3 sunflowers.....for Amy and Tersia!

If you didn't read about my VALENTINES offer yesterday....painted flowers will last a lifetime, so all floral paintings in the store are $40 or  R420 if purchased locally, contact me at . Anyone purchasing a floral painting (view them all by clicking the highlighted writing below) will stand a chance to win the little painting "Cherries and lace" ....all names will go into a draw, the offer closes 8pm SA time on 13 Feb and the winner will be announced on Valentines day! So someone will be getting a little surprise on Valentines day.... 2 paintings in the post instead of 1!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on highlighted writing to view gallery of available paintings)

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