

Pretty Pilchard #129

Daily painting #129. 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Another beautiful find at the market yesterday! I love to have a look at the fresh produce in the Seafood section but my daughter is a fussy seafood consumer and so I am limited in what I can purchase unless of course I plan on cooking 2 meals ....which of course I have no plan to do!!!! Two fish however that even the rest of the family, other than my Portuguese stepfather, would refuse to eat are sardines and pilchards! So I had to ask the man serving behind the counter if I could take a photo of his fish the hopes that I could paint them later! He thought I was crazy but was unlike my usual daily paintings which are almost always captured from life this beautiful Pilchard was  captured from a photo....I love the subtle colours and tones as the light catches it!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery if available work)

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