

Change of season #146

Daily painting #146. Pen, ink and watercolor on A5 watercolor card SOLD

Our boys are playing their cricket tournament (which is the reason I am in Johannesburg) at one of Johannesburg's top schools, St Johns College. The school's campus is so incredibly would never know it's in the middle of a city! Our boys didn't get much cricket played today...the weather was so strange. We had sun, rain , thunder, lightening and cold temperatures all in one day. The game was finally called off because of the lightening in the area and it was deemed unsafe for the boys to play. Satellite lightening detectors let off a warning siren if lightening is detected within a 20km radius and then boys are required to come off of sports fields and stay under our boys never made it back onto the field. The real sign though that summer is nearing its end was the carpet of oak leaves that lined the schools pathways and roads...a crisp, crunching carpet of fallen brown leaves! Summer will soon be on its way....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
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