

Visitor #86

Daily painting #86. 6"x6" oil painting on primed canvas board

I was sitting on the floor in my bedroom wrapping Christmas presents with the door to the outside verandah wide open to try and get a slight breeze is extremely hot and humid after all the rain we have had. My attention was suddenly drawn to some birds that were making a huge fuss outside and I jumped up to see if maybe one of the cats were teasing them. I then realized what all the noise was about ...the bird feeders which usually hang up to attract all the beautiful birds we have around had been taken down during the rain and high winds we had not so long ago...and these little visitors were screaming for their food!

I put the feeder back up and for ages we had the little birds flocking back to perch on the railings, peck at the feeder, chirp and fluff out their feathers as if to say..."it's about time you put our food back!" I didn't realize how much I have missed our little visitors and can't believe I have been so busy I didn't even notice they were not there! Time to slow down and enjoy the little things I think....

One day to go until Christmas.... I hope you are slowing down too!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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