

Toys - Plastic Pig #71

Daily painting #71  6"x8" oil painting on primed canvas board
Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art  for a limited time, get 30% off with the promo code JINGLE.

So why a toy plastic pig you're probably wondering...right? Well ...these are 'random recordings in paint' and I guess you don't get more random than painting your children's toy farm animals!

I was having one of those 'grumpy Mommy moments' moaning about bedrooms, things that needed to be picked up and packed away and threatening to get rid of some of the toys (Please tell me you have these moments too ....?!!!) when I came across a big plastic box containing all sorts of toy creatures, animals and figurines. They were actually toys that my son played with...he loved playing with toy animals and at one stage we couldn't leave the house without him clutching one in his hand! (He is now 12 and farm animals are not quite so cool anymore!) I felt quite nostalgic digging through the box....who would think a box of toy creatures could bring back so many memories! There is something special about preserving the memory of a favorite toy....and it is not the first or probably the last time I will paint one of my children's toys!

So, as idle as those 'mad mommy moment' threats tend to be, I placed the lid on the box....threw NO toys out and painted one instead.... A random plastic toy pig!

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