

Nelson Mandela - Madiba - Father of the Nation #69

Daily painting #69  8"x10" oil painting on primed canvas board. SOLD

A portrait painting in one painting my daily painting! I really pushed myself today... normally I like to mull over a portrait allowing it to dry, while I study it and then work back into it glazing layers of transparent colours and slowly finding that likeness. BUT... today I was inspired! Inspired by a man who inspired our nation... and today we are a nation in mourning.

Daily painting is about capturing with immediacy an image. Technically, I make no excuses for this portrait. It evolved in its own way (larger than my regular daily paintings)...wet paint on wet paint....a tribute to the 'Father of our Nation'. On the 21 March each year we stop for a national holiday in honour of human rights. It's the day we commemorate the Sharpville Massacre where 69 people were killed. Today is daily painting #69 (no significance other than coincidence) and Madiba will forever be remembered as our nation's most iconic human rights campaigner.

This legendary man taught our nation (and the world) many lessons, the most important of which I believe is forgiveness: "No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite!" May our current leaders continue to draw on Madiba's wisdom....perhaps this will be our biggest struggle yet....

Madiba your 'long walk to freedom' is finally over....your footprints will last an eternity...RIP

Hamba Kahle....Siyabonga!
(Go well....we thank you)

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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