

Late afternoon at the lake #91

Daily painting #91. 6"x8" oil painting on primed canvas board

My daughter Amy received her own wooden traveling paintbox (full of paint, brushes etc) and has been desperate to use her gift! I now no longer have to share my things or have my 10 year old looking longingly over my shoulder while I paint! I know too well that desire to paint...that excitement at receiving a new tube of colour....the excitement of seeing new brushes and paint....and I am only too delighted that she shares this passion with me!
So we set off yesterday while the boys were at cricket to picnic and paint in Durban's Botanical Gardens. We had such a fun afternoon! I have shared some photos to Instagram if you would like to see...if you don't yet follow me on Instagram you can do so at 
By the time we had walked around, taken photos, enjoyed the beauty and had our picnic, we realized the bright summers day had changed was cooler, it had clouded over and the wind had picked was possibly even going to rain! We quickly set up our painting things! The weather didn't stop us, the cool was a welcome break from the heat and we spent a pleasant late afternoon at the lake!
Mother and daughter painting together.....I felt truly blessed!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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