

In the garden #93

Daily painting #93. 5"x7" oil painting on primed canvas board. SOLD

Today was a day of catching up on chores around the house! We leave at the end of the week to go away on holiday and a few things needed doing! I managed to get quite a few of the chores on my 'To do...' list ticked off ....except of course the things I needed to do in the garden. It is so incredibly hot....I got as far as painting the roses and any intentions I had of feeding them or working on them were quickly forgotten in the heat of the day ...the swimming pool had far more appeal!! We have had hot but beautiful days lately and by the time I post this in the morning it will be the beginning of the last day of 2013! I would like to thank those of you who visit my page on a regular basis for all your support...2013 has been good to me and I hope it has been good to you too! If you are new to my blog and visiting for the first time....welcome...and I hope you visit again 2014! Please leave a message I would love to get to know you...
I wonder how many daily paintings 2014 holds in store for me? As you prepare to celebrate the end of 2013 and the arrival of the New Year....stay safe folks...and HAPPY NEW YEAR from Paintings in the post ....see you again in 2014!

Remember all available daily paintings can be viewed in my online shop at or click on the highlighted writing below....

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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