

Granny Jean's Christmas cake #88

Daily painting #88. 4"x6" oil painting in primed canvas board

Wow today was a busy day, but I am so close to reaching 100 days of little daily paintings that I had to find some time to paint! Actually it was a good forced me to sit down for a bit, take it slow, breathe and loose myself in paint (my best!!!!!) ....just what I actually needed on such a busy day!
All the family came to our house for Christmas was a good day....Christmas just as it's meant to be....with those you love! I missed my cousin from Chicago who was with us last year....but I was with her in spirit and am looking forward to a catch up with her in Cape Town in the new year....I just can't wait!

So my heart is full as another Christmas comes to an end....but my tummy is full too!!! Way too much delicious food...I am grateful, but could not face up to another mouthful...not even Granny Jean's delicious Christmas cake! The last of my Christmas paintings....

Thank you to all of you who participated in my Christmas giveaway....Christmas was probably a crazy day to run a's just so busy but giving a painting away to someone who takes the time to follow my project just felt like the right thing to do! So thank you for joining in the fun....if you didn't win...don't be disappointed I will do another giveaway in the beginning of the year keep watching! My kids helped me out this morning before I posted this....all the names went into the Christmas hat and my daughter Amy pulled out the name.....BEV SPARKS! Well done Bev...please contact me at with your mailing address!

The boys are off to watch a South African cricket test match....I think the girls are going to have a lazy day around the pool...and maybe a little painting! Hope you have a restful day too!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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