

Christmas mince pies #81

Daily painting #81. 5"x7" oil painting on primed canvas panel

Today has been a hard day ....we all have those sometimes! My mum was admitted to hospital for some tests and I have spent the day pacing around, doing nothing and worrying too much! I will get a real blasting from her if she reads this post...her attitude is always "don't worry it doesn't help...just makes you feel worse...and things always work out!" Well, I worried anyway and struggled to settle in my studio and actually couldn't even face up to doing any painting....

Then I started to read all the awesome comments from some of you who follow my daily painting. A loyal supporter (you will know who you are)  sent me a message to say she looks forward to my paintings everyday.... And another said she had been waiting to see some Christmas images....and there were many more encouraging comments you all cheered me up! You all made my day. I pulled myself together ....and painted...and loved it!

I am reminded of 2 important things today...

1. Always take the opportunity to say something nice to never know how much they might be needing your generosity of spirit (thank you people)
2. When I avoid is normally the time when my head (and soul) need it the most! So paint...

Kind people, painting, coffee and delicious mince pies saved the day.... Thank you x

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. Your food paintings and still lifes are my favorites!! I love this one!

    1. Thank you Cynthia! I really enjoyed painting this challenge was trying to get the difference in texture between the pastry and the sticky fruit filling! So glad you are enjoying the paintings!
