

Summer Aloe #43

Daily painting #43 6"x8" oil painting on primed canvas board. SOLD

The aloe is a succulent plant that is native to Africa....they are beautiful when they flower and grow in abundance in KwaZulu Natal. I am currently working on 2 large commissioned paintings for the board room of a South African company, but most aloes flower in our winter months and so I'm working from photographic references I took on my July trip to the game reserve.

Because I'm painting aloes at the moment, I'm drawn to looking at every aloe I see, observing shapes, colours, tones....and have felt cheated in not being able to enjoy the vibrant flowers which have already drooped and fallen with the onset of summer. I was pleasantly surprised to find a beautiful flowering aloe in my mum-in-laws garden!! It's beautiful coral blooms jumping out at me ....I couldn't believe my eyes! Apparently it is a summer flowering variety.....well learn something new everyday!!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art


  1. This might be my favorite (although I've thought that more than once as I've looked through your gallery). My passion is also my work, and I've found I need to sew for myself on a regular basis in order to remember my passion. I find your project inspiring!

    1. Thank you Lisa I am delighted that you found more than one painting you liked!! We all need something we feel passionate about and it's so important to take time out from our crazy busy lives to indulge in a little 'passion'!
