

Shelly #61

Daily painting #61  6"x8" oil painting on primed canvas board

One of my furry children have been sick! The other morning we realized that my rather fat old lady Shelly cat was nowhere to be found...she is normally under our feet at breakfast time, crying for water out of the fridge (she only drinks cold water!!!) And generally demanding cuddles, scratches and attention from whoever will show interest! She is a homely old girl and so panic set in when we realized she was nowhere to be seen! A massive hunt husband eventually found her in the thick bush in the public garden adjacent to our house ...she was limp, fatigued and something was wrong!

We wrapped her in a blanket, sped off to our vet and the poor girl spent the night in "kitty hospital" on a drip and antibiotics. We are still not sure what happened, at first I thought it could be a snake bite but couldn't find any puncture we will never know! But she is home ....and it is so good to see her sleeping in her favorite spot on the carpet in the lounge! Hope she is on the mend!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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