

Bone China and a Navel (orange) #49

Daily painting #49  6"x8" oil painting on primed canvas board  SOLD

This little bone china cup is like a cat with nine lives! It has a broken handle and has had far too many close encounters with the floor! I have to admit to being a bit of a hoarder when it comes to the broken, discarded and unused, especially if it is pretty or quirky and can be used to hold flowers, pens or paintbrushes. It will usually end up on the shelves in my studio, with all the other 'junk' and treasures!
I bought some juicy Navel oranges from the market and they were sitting, along with all the beautiful 'junk' on the shelf in the studio....this little broken cup just caught my eye. And so it has been given another 'new life' ... on my canvas! Who says the 'broken' can't be beautiful....

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