

A Floral Welcome #54

Daily painting #54  6"x6" oil painting on primed canvas board.  SOLD

I love fresh flowers in my home! Tomorrow evening I am opening up my home for an end of year exhibition and cocktail party for all of my 'students'. Every person, regardless of whether they are a beginner or have been painting for years, has to participate in the exhibition and submit at least one piece of work which has been completed this year. It is a wonderful celebration of a years achievements, a chance to reflect together and most importantly an opportunity to celebrate the wonderful opportunity we have been given to nurture and explore our creativity. 
So....most of the furniture has been removed from my back veranda and entertainment area.... stacks of paintings are waiting to be hung in the morning and my house is full of beautiful fresh flowers...ready to welcome everyone into my home tomorrow! I promise to share a few photos with is sure to be a special evening!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art

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