

One bite #558

Daily painting #558 6"x8" oil on primed canvas panel

Back home to my happy place, my studio and my trusty oil paint! Squeezing out oil paint again is just sheer joy to my soul! Deciding what to paint was another story as the cupboards where empty! I often end up painting that which I cook but there was not a thing to cook in the house! The boys hardly look malnourished but I am not quite sure what they have been surviving on while I was away! A big trip to the grocery store is in order! We have had a fabulous trip away but being home with my whole family together again is just the best!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings and for all purchase details)

Bye Cape Town #557

Daily painting #557 pen and watercolour from my sketchbook NFS

Always sad to say goodbye to this beautiful city! It's been awesome catching up with family and it's been a special trip with my Mum and my daughter...the two most special ladies in my life! But tonight we are homeward bound and I can't wait to see the boys! My husband and son stayed behind because my son Ross is playing in a hockey festival. I have missed them both so much and can't wait to see them! I also can't wait to squeeze out some oil paint again too!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art