

Furry children #270

Daily painting #270 5"x7" oil on primed canvas panel

After saying goodbye to Ross at the airport today I started to tackle my long TO DO list again! The last few days I have been preoccupied with getting Ross all packed up and ready to leave and I haven't even given a thought to getting the rest of us packed up and ready to travel, let alone stocking the house up with food for Patrick (and grannies) who will be looking after our house and our furry babies while we are away! I only had time for a VERY quick painterly sketch in the studio today as I tried to gather paints, tidy up and prepare to pack what I need to continue daily painting while I travel! My most loyal studio companion and beautiful furry baby Noo-Noo who rarely leaves my side was a perfect model! He is a rescue baby and very precious to me! He was on deaths doorstep at 4 weeks old after being taken away from his mother (by a pet shop) too young. He was severely dehydrated, not having drunk since leaving his mother(he didn't know how to lap) and  the vet thought he would never make it. After lots of complications, 2 hourly feeds from his new Mommy (me!) and lots of TLC (he cuddled into my neck and didn't move for almost 2 weeks) ....he managed to pull through! We have a very special bond and I love him dearly! Now that I have got over my 'Mommy panic' at saying goodbye to Ross at the airport, I am now feeling 'mommy panic' at leaving my furry babies (we have another cat and 2 beautiful dogs) behind .....shew I will be glad to board the plane and start to enjoy myself....too much 'Mommy' emotion for one week!

Purchase paintings at Heidi Shedlock Fine Art
(Click on the highlighted writing to view gallery of available daily paintings)